Online solution for

business travel

What is Portbilet TMC


What is Portbilet TMC ?

Portbilet TMC is an online booking tool for a full range of travel content. Manage your business trips according to your business needs.

All travel content in one window (GDS and non GDS): 1 million hotels, 300+ air fares, railway in the Russian Federation and the CIS.

Travel management and management of the entire order online: from selection and purchase to receipt.

Automatic management of travel policies and profiles (travelers or companies)

Multi-level trip authorization and access rights by roles.

Complete historical data on travel orders in a single interface.

Easy customization of the OBT interface to the needs of the user through service widgets.

Which user groups are included in our solution:

Procurement Department

Department of organizing business travel and events


Finance Department

Department of Security


Offline vs online

Booking an online service takes an average of 3 minutes (offline - up to 24 hours).

Availability of the service online is 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

Relative reduction in online transaction costs is from 5% to 20%.

Save up to 20% on direct business travel expenses online.